Chapter 23: Unlock Your Creativity with Art Magick and Binaural Beats
Let this be your year of art, magick, and transformation

Unlock your creativity with art magick and binaural beats. Let this be your year of art, magick, and transformation.
Want to unleash your inner artist? Create 365 sigils to unlock your creativity. Or stare at these ones whilst listening to binaural beats — that works too.
In 2024 I challenged myself to create 365 sigils — one for every day. The sigils were personal to me but the idea was to unlock creativity and cause positive change. Be that in life or the world. I know how pretentious that sounds but it was fun.
You can do it too. It’s a way to kickstart your creativity. I once it did it with sigils drawn on post-it notes. I turned the sigils into an animated video and posted it to YouTube. When I’d finsihed the project I threw them into the sea.
This time I used an online sigil generator — much easier and less confusing to fish too!
This video marks the end of my project. Watch it and then make your own.
The simple visuals and sounds can inspire your creative flow. Each sigil, though personal, carries latent creative energy. They will resonate with anyone seeking to spark their imagination.
I’ve paired the sigils with binaural beats. It’s a simple pure tone with nothing weird added to it. Tuned to an alpha frequency (10 Hz) and a carrier frequency of 263 Hz. It’s a tone that’s helpful for unlocking creativity and artistic expression.
This video is the perfect tool for meditation. You can also use it whilst brainstorming new ideas or to help you find your creative rhythm when you get stuck.
As a writer and artist I say art magick can change the world. Art is powerful and can also help us to change ourselves for the better.
To end the project, I launched the full collection of sigils on New Year’s Eve at midnight. You can watch the video whenever you want. I hope it helps you in the year ahead.
T-shirts are available on request. I’m only half joking about that!
How to Use:
Focus on what you want to create. This video is your creative companion. You can meditate on it or let it play in the background. Then take notes, sketch, paint, or brainstorm your next big idea. See where your imagination takes you — it might surprise you.
Drop a comment — please be kind!
How will you use art to transform your life? I’d love to hear how this video helped you to spark your artistic journey.
Subscribe to my channel for more videos on creativity and art magick. I also write about this sort of thing at Chapter 23. That’s my Substack home for creativity, writing, and personal growth. Feel free to pay me a visit.
I write about everything from art, culture, and politics to tech, travel, and the occult — sometimes in ways that get me into trouble. I’m also funny. I probably should’ve led with that.
I’ve a default binaural beats I listen to sometimes on YouTube but customised for my brain, now yer talking.