
Waiting sucks. Waiting for medical news sucks donkey balls. Hoping you get good news🤞

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I appreciate the sentiment. This is a previously published piece. I have ongoing health issues but regarding the health scare in this piece it turned out to be something else and not the worst case scenario. I should have published this with a disclaimer or header and footer that made this clear. I thought I had. I apologise for the oversight and I'm genuinely sorry for any distress caused.

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I am very happy everything turned out okay😊 No worries🙂 I just totally related to your concerns. I hate waiting with a passion. Lol. It's so boring but waiting for test results is a whole different level of ugh for me. Being bored and on pins and needles. Makes me pace.

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James, words are pretty dumb in these health situations, but I hope it's a treatable situation and you get well soon. Having to wait for test results is horrid. I'm sorry.

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I appreciate the sentiment. This is a previously published piece. I have ongoing health issues but regarding the health scare in this piece it turned out to be something else and not the worst case scenario. I should have published this with a disclaimer or header and footer that made this clear. I thought I had. I apologise for the oversight and I'm genuinely sorry for any distress caused.

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No apology necessary! I missed it if it's there. Sorry for that.Now that I know that I don t feel so weird for saying it's a really honest, well-written piece. I'm glad this turned out okay, adventures being filled with the unanticipated as they often are.

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TL/DR: time will tell.

I can so fully relate to this. I fucked my leg up by rolling a car years ago - kind of a cool story, not one that I’ll share here. Time went on. I figured ‘sure, this hurts, but that’s just what happens when you experience an incident like that.’

Early last year weird things started happening; those weird medical things ultimately cost me my career, and, for a while, my ability to do everyday things. It was beyond difficult to access healthcare; when i finally did, nobody had answers, and that was the worst part.

Then there was a weird swelling in the knee, a whole *year* after the weirdness started. A blinding pain that even opiates didn’t dull, and that led to the discovery of a badly healed break that was causing issues with all sorts of things, but which ultimately led to a diagnosis.

The weirdness turned out to be lupus, which isn’t an ideal diagnosis, but certainly better than a diagnosis of cancer - the doc’s first thought, given the red blood cell fuckery, rashes, inexplicable bruising, lymph nodes swelling, and all that fun stuff

(PSA caffeine depletes thiamine which can stuff your red blood cells up even more & cause inexplicable bruising. ALWAYS ask for blood tests if you have any bodily weirdness).

Nobody would have worked out what was going on if that car hadn’t rolled all those years ago.

Sometimes things turn out differently to how you think they will. Sometimes you think you’re staring down one thing, but it turns out to be an entirely different thing. Moral of the story: it might not be as devastating as you think it is, but whatever it is, once that monster has a name, you’ll know how to best go about fighting it.

I’m not going to tell you to be positive and be grateful for what you can still do, blah blah blah. I know from experience that hearing that makes you want to smash the speaker in the mouth :)

I will say: it’s unfair, it SUCKS, there is NO positive thing about your health failing. uoure fully entitled to get angry about it - that just means you love life. You’re also entitled to sucker-punch Mary Sunshines who say asinine things like, “pain is all in your head, choose your reality!”, or, “god will protect you!”.

I do genuinely hope that you can find at least a few moments of happiness in the midst of that storm, though

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I appreciate the sentiment. This is a previously published piece. I have ongoing health issues but regarding the health scare in this piece it turned out to be something else and not the worst case scenario. I should have published this with a disclaimer or header and footer that made this clear. I thought I had. I apologise for the oversight and I'm genuinely sorry for any distress caused.

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Nothing to apologise for! It’s fine! :)

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Aug 21Liked by James Garside

I'm relieved to hear things weren't as bad as you feared, James. And that the overall message is not to regret having memorable experiences.

The other part that grabbed me in this brillant post was that you did English at Bangor uni. So did I, and I'm still here! I went on to a masters and a PhD at Liverpool (remotely) then taught at Extra-mural studies, which then became Lifelong Learning, at Bangor. I got my undergrad degree back in 1986 and now I'm retired but writing novels as an indie author.

When were you at Bangor, if you don't mind me asking? Do please DM if more appropriate: e.g. if you are shy about revealing your age!

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You're at Bangor? That's lovely. Please say hi to the pier for me. And if you get the chance sometime go for a walk up Bangor Mountain (it's a hill). I don't give out personal details; I'm sure you understand. But I will say that I have fond memories of Bangor. Enjoy your time there!

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Aug 21Liked by James Garside

The pier is very handsome these days with silver paint and lots going on. It's years since i went up Bangor Mountain but the High Street is suffering from COVID and the recession, and has loads of empty shops, just like in the '80s!

Maybe you should have gone up Bangor Mountain that night instead of Snowdon, but then you wouldn't have become a poet!

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