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Dec 23
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Happy Krampus night to you all!

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Here's my take on our Globe's winter-Solstice/Season... I keep waiting for this warm and fuzzy feeling to spill over to the other 11 months of the year. Regardless we need this wee 'celebration' at least for a short time if only to remind us - we CAN DO better. I'm always a sucker for any gift homemade. I sing along to the music, watch all the corny movies, and look forward to sharing meals with family and friends I may not see again until the next Yuletide. I pretty much ignore retail in any country...Mark's & Spenser's or The Hudson's Bay or Macy's but I do get your point. James. Joy Noel Yorkshire...

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Happy Christmas to you and yours!

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I said we wouldn’t ‘do’ Santa Claus (thank goodness huh!?) once I had kids but that only lasted til she was 3 and started telling me Santa was coming, and all her preschool friends said he was real, and let’s put out cookies to see! I didn’t have the heart to let her down, so we’re in it now. I don’t love it. But she is almost 7 and still won’t ask me point blank if he’s real, despite her friends saying otherwise. She wants to believe. And I want to believe in my child’s right to joy. But I’ll still wait to share the essay with her and her little brother that I wrote 10 or so years ago called ‘satan claws’ 🙃 merry everything to you James!

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Merry Christmas to all of you! (Santa is real. Keep the faith!)

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