I feel the exact same way about marketing🤣 In fact the vast majority of it just pisses me off🤷‍♀️

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I'm going Marketing at Food Lion, tomorrow.



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Sep 16Liked by James Garside

Have you read "Your Music and People" by Derek Sivers?

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It's on my list to read. I've read two of his other books.

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I understand you, I felt similarly, until I became self-employed. Turns out, if no one knows I exist, they won't support my business. Bastards!

Marketing in and of itself is not the problem, it's the way it's been done that is.

For example: marketing specialist #1.000.000 sliding into my DMs, telling me "I love that you help nerds! Now give me your cash so I can get you filled up with clients" Talking about phrasing... I'd be happy if they would at least use (written) lube.

You might want to have a look at marketingforhippies.com. I think he has some great tips there for people like us who throw up in our mouth when we think about selling our work.

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Marketing for Hippies? Hahaha. Sold! (have signed up for their email and subscribed to their youtube). Thank you. And FWIW I agree with everything you've said. As you can probably tell the first draft thing I published was literally a text dump of random crap I've said about marketing. Fast forward a few years and no doubt I'll have replaced myself with a marketing team so that they can deal with that whilst I drink tea on a beach or something. Just kidding.

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Yep I know. Just adding my point of view. Maybe we can talk about the dreaded marketing some day 😬

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FWIW I think you're made of awesome and your marketing is on point. Happy to talk with you as always. I'm secretly learning from the usual suspects about how to succeed on Substack. Watch out for my masterclass, humble brags, and sales funnel! Hold for laugh. J

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Thanks 🙏 Hahahah maybe the laughs are your sales funnel 😉 It certainly works for me! (I mean I make people laugh, sadly so far no clients yet 😂)

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Sep 17Liked by James Garside

I'm in the incredibly fortunate position that I don't need to brand myself to pay the bills (that's a good job as I'm not keen on the smell of burning flesh) but back in the day when I had a 'real job' I would die a little bit inside every time I had to sit through a sales presentation.

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